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Quality Systems Information

DrasiCon is your partner towards an official business certification. Our experienced consultants can fulfill any certification requirements for the ISO, HACCP and SA business standards which are summarily described below.

ISO 9001 +

DrasiCon offers the full stack of Quality Management System to its clients. It involves:

1. Analysis of the current situation of the business unit

2. Design and documentation of the corporate organizational structure

3. Issuing of quality policy

4. Strategical design and development of operational processes

5. Issuing of Quality Document

6. Training of all involved parties and staff

7. Monitoring of the installed system

8. Revision and adaptation of the installed system as required

9. Performing of full internal inspection by our experienced professionals and correction of any issues

HACCP - ISO 22000 +

New standards in the field of food security imposed by the European Directive (93/43/EU) and the most current Greek legislation (Ministerial Decision 487/4.10.2000) requires the use, maintenance and revision of a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points system for companies that manufacture, process, produce, package, store, transport, distribute, handle and sell products.

The design and development of a HACCP system involves:

1. Identification of every biological, physical or chemical hazard related to all stages of production and handling of food

2. Identification of critical control points that will eliminate the corresponding hazard

3. Definition of the limits for every critical control point

4. Installation of a monitoring system for every critical control point

5. Design and development of the operational processes and documentation for the critical control points

6. Training of related staff

7. Issuing of a Health and Security document

8. Validation of the correct operation of the installed HACCP system by laboratory tests

9. Full inspection by our professionals and correction of any issues

ΙSO 14001 - EMAS +

The design and development of an environmental management system involves:

1. Registering of the current status of business operations and all important environmental impacts

2. Design and development of required documentation

3. Setting of environmental goals

4. Training of all staff involved

5. Monitoring of the installed system

6. Revision and adjustment of the system to the requirements of the business

7. Full internal inspection by our professionals

BRC and IFS +

The British Retail Consortium is a trade organization representing the 90% of retail trade in Great Britain. It involves a large number of issues, ranging from food hygiene, to retail environment. The standard was developed for businesses distributing food with certified labels.

Desing and development of the system involves:

1. Analysis of current situation. Inspection on business facilities for deviations from the BRC standard

2. Design and development of required documentation

3. Issuing of food quality and safety policy

4. Training of all staff involved

5. Desing and development of operational processes and relevant documentation

6. Issuing of a HACCP for the business

7. Gradual application of the operational processes according to the training of involved staff

8. Revision and adjustment of the system

9. Continuous monitoring of the system

10. Issuing of realistic goals by the administration of the business

11. Verification of the system's proper operation by laboratory analyses

12. Full inspection by our professionals

The International Food Standard is a hybrid model of ISO 9001 and HACCP that applies to manufacturing, storage and processing of food in order to produce safe products for the consumer, in accordance with existing legislation. It was developed and supported by German and French super market chains.

ISO 45001 +

DrasiCon offers the installation of the ISO 45001 system.

1. Development of required documentation based on the business risk analysis and compliance

2. Connection of business processes to the Quality Management System (if existent)

3. Assistance of the staff to implement the Management System

4. Assistance in the Health and Safety Chart

5. Inspections and identification of non-compliance points

6. Introduction of correctional actions

7. Training of staff on the developed system

ISO 17025 +

Study for Laboratory Certification according to EN 450001 (ISO 17025).

1. Analysis of the laboratory's current status

2. Strategical planning of the system

3. Identification of all the testing methods performed on international standards (ISO, ASMT, DIN, etc.) and methods validated by the laboratory

4. Proposal development for the Quality Verification of laboratory tests

5. Creation of Quality Procedures required for all laboratory activities

6. Creation of Quality Document for the laboratory's quality policy

7. Monitoring of the quality system

8. Inspections and identification of non-compliance points

9. Correctional activities

10. Training of all staff involved

SA 8000 +

The SA8000 is an internationally accepted standard for socially responsible management of human resources and improvement of working conditions. Based on the principles of thirteen international conventions on human rights, it is a tool for the implementation of these principles in everyday work. Companies pursuing sustainable development must take into account the economic, environmental and social aspects, implement the necessary improvements and proceed to obtaining the relevant certification.

ΕΝ 16636 +

This European Standard sets out the requirements for pest management services and capabilities to be met by professional pest management service providers for the protection of public health, property and the environment. It applies to those responsible for providing pest management services, including the evaluation, recommendation and follow-up of established control and prevention procedures. The requirements set out in this standard are designed to apply to any service provider whose activity falls within this scope, ie the targeted scope of appropriate pest control methods.