Pest Control Details
The purpose of this page is to present the scientific background of our work and offer insights on the selection of a pest fighting method.
- Deworming +
To fight insects that create outbreaks within buildings and their presence endangers the human environment. For example cockroaches, flies, ticks, mosquitoes, fleas, bedbugs, wasps, spiders, scorpions, etc. Also, to fight insects that develop in storage. Such insects cause impairment of the quality and quantity of food with their presence and their waste. Examples include Lepidoptera Ephestia, Plodia, and Coleoptera Stegobium, Tribolium, etc.
Methods of fighting:
1. Spraying with low pressure sprayers: The insecticide chosen, is fed by low pressure sprayers on surfaces which act as an insect passing or nesting point.
2. Fogging: The insecticide is diffused into drops on all surfaces and their detailed features. The small size of the drop in conjunction with the mode of application results in the deposition of the active substance, not only the surfaces but also in their slits. The results are impressive because bugs do not have to go through the sprayed surface (the insecticide reaches their nest or hiding spot).
3. Cockroach Gel: This is a special application to combat "kitchen cockroach" (German Cockroach), in which the bait is placed in gel form in places where insects nest or pass. It is completely odorless and non-toxic, and this implementation can be followed while the site is in full operation. The active substance is gradually transferred to the entire insect population. This creates a "death chain" and insect mortality rate ranges up to 100%.
4. Fumigation: In cases where it is not possible to spray, insect control is performed using fumigants. The insecticide is fumigated and smoke particles are deposited even in the most inaccessible places. The method is particularly effective for woodworm or warehouses insects.
- Disinfestation +
The purpose of disinfestation is the elimination of rodents and the prevention of their re-occurence. Rodents are a major threat to public health because they can transmit many human diseases (leptospirosis, typhus through their feces and urine, etc.) as well as parasites such as fleas, ticks and lice. They can also cause great damage to buildings (eating the cables causing a risk of fire) and stored food. Rodents do not consume large amounts but they may eat anything and destroy the quality of stored produce.
Methods of fighting:
1. Rodent control bait stations using rodenticides and mechanical traps: With this method we achieve full control of rodents. The baits used are the of third generation and waxy, so that their alteration and moistening is minimal. They cause hemolysis; consequently, dead rodents are not a danger to other animals (cats and birds). Dead rodents do not smell, because they become dehydrated (mummification).
2. Rodent control bait stations using adhesive surfaces and bait formulations: This method is used in production and packaging areas, where the use of rodenticides is not allowed. We use multiple arrest traps with adhesive surfaces and specialized attractants.
- Disinfection +
The purpose of disinfection is the elimination of pathogens (bacteria, viruses, etc.) that infect sites and food, and can threaten human health. It is performed in places whith poor sanitary conditions and in facilities with increased microbial load that congregate many people.
Method of fighting:
Application of disinfectant in the form of small droplets by using a specialized electrically or gasoline powered nebulizer. This method guarantees supreme effectiveness due to its capability to reach even the most inaccessible places, as well as the high residual duration of the prepared disinfectant.
- Fighting Insect Woodworms +
Purpose of combat:
The aim of the fight against the woodworm is to avoid total destruction of wooden structures with great economic rehabilitation (tile roofs, attics, doors, floors, furniture, etc.) and the rescue of wooden objects of historic value paintings, carvings, etc.). The woodworm can cause irreparable damage to homes and can affect their integrity and structure.
Combat methods:
1. Fumigation: Fighting the woodworm is done using fumigants. The insecticide is smoked and diffused in the form of smoke, and it covers all areas and all inaccessible points as well as removable wooden objects (paintings, furniture, etc.). This method is very reliable, but has limitations (depending on the application area) and specific application specifications that our scientists will suggest.
2. Use of a specific insecticide: The selected preparation using a low-pressure sprayer (or spreader) is spread on infected surfaces. Also, the insecticide is injected into the holes created by the insect on the wood. This application is usually done on individual wooden objects (eg doors) that can not be removed from a house.
3. Thermal method: High temperatures are used in the room or in the affected object. When the temperature exceeds 50° C, the insects die at any stage of the biological cycle, if any. This method is harmless (insecticides are not used) but too expensive (excessive electricity consumption).
- Termite Fighting +
Termite Information:
Difference from ants:
The main difference of termites from ants is that their body is one-piece with a slight tightening between the chest and the abdomen, without the thin stalk that have the ants joining the chest with their abdomen.
Termite species
Subterranean termites: They are in the ground and form underground passages (tunnels) until they reach wood or cellulose-containing materials above the ground.
Dry Timber Termites: There are usually dry and healthy woods. The attack occurs with the pile of small fecal formations and they make their arches inside the wood rather than the ground.
Wood Termites:They are usually found in woods with high moisture content. They do not build earth tunnels and their openings in the wood are blocked with fecal materials (eaten wood and dirt).
Purpose of the fight:
The purpose of combating termites is to avoid total destruction of wooden constructions with great financial rehabilitation (tile roofs, attics, doors, floors, furniture, etc.) and the rescue of wooden objects of historical value (paintings, wood carvings etc.). Termites can cause irreparable damage to homes and can affect the integrity and structure and staticity of these.
Methods of control:
1. T.T.R. Method (Trap - Treat - Release): Because termites predominantly live on the ground, termites use the soil to communicate with their colony. That is why we are creating a barrier to their movement. Open holes in the ground or the perimeter wall of the building, at specific points, specific depth and diameter, and in which a special insecticide (termidor) is injected. Termidor uses an advanced non-repellent (undetectable) technology. This means that termites can not see, smell, taste and generally perceive it. Instead, they come in contact, receive it and share it. This ends through the termites, in their nest and its members are killed.
2. Use of insecticides : A special insecticide is used, with the help of a low pressure sprayer or nebulizer. Applies to signs where there are signs of termites. The above application works by way of the T.T.R.